
There is no such a thing as being ok to have sex before marriage or not.

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It really depends on the person that you are asking this question to.

Personally I believe that there is nothing wrong with having sex before marriage.

What I believe is at certain age people will naturally get attracted by their opposite sex and when that time comes most people will follow their true feelings.

Will I have sex before marriage?

The answer is no, this is just my personal preference.

Do I have objection for people that have sex before marriage?

The answer is still no, like I said, this is just their own preferences.

no, i do not think so.

first if you do everything when you live together before marriage, the fresh feeling after marriage will be reduced.

second it will destory the relationship if you can't handle this well.

third if you are a girl ,you maybe get hurt such as pregency which will make your body weaker.

fourth every hunband wants his bride is a virgin.


有的会问一些与生活有关的,如:what's your hobby?但有的会问一些很专业的。










C: lack sufficient means to combat lead pollution

D: still consider lead pollution a problem



推理题。题干 :通过最后一段能推测出什么?




(41) 根据下面材料,回答题。

It is predicted that there will be 5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century. We'll knowwhere we came from. Why does the universe exist? To put it another way, why is theresomething instead of nothing? Since the 1920s, scientists have known the universe isexpanding, which means it must have started at a definite time in the past. They even havedeveloped theories that give a detailed picture of the evolution of the universe from the timeit was a fraction of a second old to the present. Over the next couple of decades, thesetheories will be refined by data from extraordinary powerful new telescope. We will have abetter understanding of how matter behaves at the unfathomably high temperatures andpressures of the early universe.

We'll crack the genetic code and conquer cancer. In 19th century operas, when the *** ecoughs in the first act, the audience knows she will die of tuberculosis in Act 3. But thanksto 20th century antibiotics, the once dreaded, once incurable disease now can mean nothingmore serious than taking some pills. As scientists learn more about the genetic code and theway cells work at the molecular level, many serious diseases--cancer, for one- will becomeless threatening. Using manufactured "therapeutic" viruses, doctors will be able to replacecancer causing damaged DNA

with healthy genes, probably administered by a pill or injection.

We'll live longer (120 years?) If the normal aging process is basically a furious, invisiblecontest in our cells- a contest between damage to our DNA and our cells ability to repair thatdamage- then 21st century strides in genetic medicine may let us control and even reversethe process. But before we push scientists to do more, consider: Do we really want to live ina world where no one grows old and few children are born because the planet can hold onlyso many people?

Where would new ideas come from? What would we do with all that extra time?

We'll "manage" Earth. In the next millennium, well stop talking about the weather but willdo something about it. Well gradually learn how to predict the effects of human activity onthe Earth,its climate and its ecosystems. And with that knowledge will come an increasingwillingness to use it to manage the workings of our planet.

We'll have "a brain road map". This is the real "final frontier" of the 21st century: The brainis the most complex system we know. It contains about 100 billion neurons (roughly thenumber of stars in the Milky Way), each connected to as many as 1,000 others. Early in thenext century, we will use advanced forms of magnetic resonance imaging to producedetailed maps of the neurons in operation. We'll be able to say with certainty which ones areworking when you read a word, when you say a word, when you think about a word, and soon.

The sentence "In 19th century operas, when the *** e coughs in the first act, the audienceknows she will die of tuberculosis in Act 3" means__________.

A: there was not antibiotics at that timeB: tuberculosis was a terrible disease that couldn't be cured during 19th centuryC: the health of the *** e was very poorD: this was a common situation in the 19th century operas



细节题。题干 :句子“在19世纪的戏剧中,如果女主角在之一幕开始咳嗽,

观众们就会知道在第三幕时会因为肺结核而死去” 的意思是__________。


。接着说这种病0nce dreaded和once incurable


(42) It will become easy to cure some serious diseases because__________.

A: scientists will crack the genetic code

B: "therapeutic" viruses will be used

C: healthy genes will be used to replace cancer causing damaged DNA

D: all of the above



推理题。题干 :治疗一些严重的疾病会变得很容易,因为__________。A、B、C


(43) According to the passage, the normal aging process is__________.

A: a process in which people become older and older

B: a contest that can be seen

C: a long process of struggling

D: a fight between damaging DNA and preparing the damage









六是补全短文, 给出你大概230到250字的文章,从中拿出五个独立完整的句子,然后给你六个选项,要求考生读完后,顺序按原文章出现的形式,把文章恢复原貌。
